Category: Book Club

Upcoming Class of 1977 Book Club, January 25th @8pm Eastern

Hello all, I am here to report that our Class of 1977 Book Club is alive and flourishing! On September 19th we held our 2nd Book Club Zoom meeting, where 25 of us had very lively discussions of the book, A Discovery of Witches, by an MHC alum, Deborah Harkness. Some of us loved it, …

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Share Your News: Class notes due August 1

Our class scribes are working on compiling news for the fall issue of the Alumnae Quarterly. Help your scribe meet their August 1 deadline by sending your news now! Click here to send them a note. Please include your full name, including your name as an undergraduate, if different. Remember, Class Notes is your space …

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Next Class of 1977 Book Club, Tuesday, September 19th at 8 pm EDT

A Discovery of Witches book cover

Good news Class!  I recently heard from Sue Berry Duncan, who wrote: After our class Zoom for Lessons in Chemistry (which was a great book discussion) Nancy Mathiasen, Maureen Harrigan and I chatted a couple of times about hosting another class book discussion which focused on a work by an MHC author.  Nancy mentioned a very successful work of …

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MHC Class of 1977 Book Club Thursday March 30th 8pm EST, Lessons In Chemistry

Hello everyone, just a reminder that our first MHC Class of 1977 Book Club meeting is Thursday, March 30th, 8 pm EST, and we will be discussing Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus.  More than 20 of you have already responded that you will be joining Susan Granahan Colgan and me for the discussion, and …

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Invitation to Our First Virtual Book Club Meeting Thursday March 30th at 8:00 EST

Hello everyone, I hope you all had an excellent holiday season, maybe seeing lots of family or taking time for some introspection.   After the outstanding book review we had at reunion, many people suggested that we keep doing this throughout the year.   You all have heard me talk about my objective to foster Connection, Communication and …

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