Contact Us
We would love to hear from you.Send us your thoughts, reunion/college photos/media files, suggestions, or any other things you want us to be aware of or address.
Please use the contact form shown below to submit your feedback.
Contact Form
 Photo of MHC Gate
How to submit digital media, such as photos, documents or videos.
- Click on this digital pdf form to open it if it is the first time you have submitted items.
- You have two ways to complete this form .
- Fill in the blanks in the browser page and select Print to PDF, then select Print, and then rename it with your last name and first initial in the title and save to your device, and Save.
- Click Download button on browser page . Open it on your device’s PDF or word document application. Fill in the blanks and save it with a new name with your last name and first initial in the title.
- Fill in the Contact Us form on this page including:
- When the media(s) were created and identify anyone shown, if possible.
- Attach the completed renamed digital release form (First submission only)
- Attaching any file(s) 1MB or smaller.
- If you have 1MB or larger files, tell us if they are documents, photos, videos,…
- After we get your note, we will tell you where and how to provide them.
- Press Send.

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