Did you miss a conversation with your classmates? No worries. We are making recordings available. Learn from the experts in our midst on a range of topics from self-care in times of stress to pandemic response and financial planning. If there’s a topic close to your heart, please contact the Communications Committee on Contact Us. We are always looking for new program ideas and classmates who want to share.
If you are interested in more recordings, check out the Alumnae Association recordings are available here.
Book Discussion of Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides
January 2024
Video Link: https://vimeo.com/906757407/667a0cae6f?share=copy |
On January 25th, we had a book discussion about Middlesex, by Jeffrey Eugenides
Staying Self-Centered and Joy-Full
December 2023
Video Link: https://vimeo.com/893412964/6bf6abb00c?share=copy |
On December 6th, we had Zoom call with Deborah Stone Roth ‘77 about ramping up (or creating) your self-care practices, now is the time! As if the state of the world wasn’t enough, we’ve now officially entered the annual HOLI-DAZE and if we want to move through it in one piece, we need to find powerful, practical ways to keep grounded and centered.
I mean that literally – I’ve coined the phrase “sacred SELF-centeredness” to reflect how important it is to stay connected to your true essence, your best SELF, especially when we’re being pulled in many directions. And yes, it really is a sacred commitment that we make to ourselves, especially for those of us who have been taught to take care of everyone else first… a destructive little bit of socialization that women seem to have done a particularly good job of internalizing. Unchecked, this tendency results in a full-blown case of co-dependent behavior in some or all of your relationships. And not to mention, also the tendency to crash and burn when you hit the wall or are caught in the whirlwind of holiday overwhelm.
Learning About Osteoporosis and Cardiology/Electrophysiology,
December 2022
Video Link: https://vimeo.com/780840102 | PPT Presentation Link: [pdf-embedder url=”https://mhc1977.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/mch-talk.pdf” title=”mch talk”] |
On December 8th we had an outstanding Zoom call, Learning About Osteoporosis and Cardiology/Electrophysiology, led by our amazing classmates, Dr. Cathy Kowal-Montecalvo ’77 and Dr. Jodie Hurwitz ’77. We had 42 classmates and friends participate for the entire 90 minutes, with many asking specific questions about their health or just general questions on the topic.
Finding Their Voices: Women Composers
June 2022
Video Link: https://vimeo.com/523790561/d5fd4d5877
Passcode: femalecomposers
The State of the College with Dr. Val Barr and Trustee Avice Meehan
March 2021
Video Link: https://vimeo.com/523790561/d5fd4d5877
For the second in our series with Val and Avice, we were joined by members of the Class of 1978 and covered a wide range of topics from admissions and childcare to the role of the Board of Trustees and the status of in-person teaching at Mount Holyoke.
Val chairs the Computer Science Department and is the Jean E. Sammet Professor of Computer Science. Avice is an Alumna Trustee, serving her first year on the board.
The Biology of Human Skin Color with Dr. Leslie Sandra Jones ’77 (AA sponsored event)
November 2020
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGHOJBVZEJs&feature=emb_title

Photo of The Biology or Skin Color recording
Sandy is an associate professor of biology at Valdosta State University in Georgia. As a scientist and educator, she’s currently focused on online, interactive learning and the development of anti-racist science education.
Sandy’s talk provides approachable primer on human genetics; the adaptive development of skin pigment to maximize absorption of Vitamin D and minimize damage to folic acid or Vitamin B9; and the emergence of race as a social (not biological) construct. For more about Sandy, visit her faculty page: https://www.valdosta.edu/biology/facultystaff/leslie-jones.php
Practicing Self Care with Deborah Stone Roth ‘77
October 2020
Video link: https://vimeo.com/485701180/51990ca21f

Photo of Deborah Roth ‘77
Deb is a life coach whose practice encompasses helping her clients (especially women) manage life transitions with grace. In her second ZOOM conversation, she helps us think about the “four-pointed crown” of self-care as we navigate a pandemic, the holidays and life. How do we care for ourselves mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually?
For more about Deb, visit her website: https://spiritedliving.com/
Celebration of the Arts: Ann Reynolds, Simonne Roy, and Nicky Mesiah ‘77
October 2020
Video Link: https://vimeo.com/492541093/486b7ee7de

Photos of Ann Reynolds ’77, Simonne Roy ’77, Nicky Mesiah ’77
In this Zoom conversation, three of our classmates share their perspectives on living a creative life that enables them to find both intellectual and personal satisfaction.
- Ann Reynolds is a Seattle-based composer, performer, and teacher who fell in love with the music of Cuba 20 years ago and hasn’t looked back. In addition to a piano-side illustration of her approach to composition, Ann shares how she finds inspiration and works with her band, Clave Gringa. For access to CD’s and her Patreon site, visit annreynoldsmusic.com.
- Simonne Roy shares how painting served as a constant thread through her time at Mount Holyoke and a 30-year career as a lawyer, walking us through a recent artist residency in France through a short film. Based in Lewisburg, PA, Simonne is now a full-time artist. For more information, see simonneroy.com
- Nicky Mesiah is already known to many in our class as the brains behind “Miss Nicky’s” – a source of wonderful cookies and toffee. From working in corporate sales for division of Pfizer, to creating the business and now, seeking a partner to expand production of her cookies, Nicky talks about how she followed her dream. To learn more (and order) see missnickys.com
Practicing Conscious Self-Care through Life’s Big Changes with Deb Stone Roth ‘77
August 2020
Video Link: https://vimeo.com/492171248/4dd043e194

Photo of Deborah Roth ‘77
Life coach Deb Roth joins us for a conversation about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our lives and the importance of selfcare as we navigate the upheaval it has caused in our families, communities, and broader environment. Deb’s work has focused in part on life transitions and she introduces a three-stage model of release, retreat and rebirth that can be used to understand our response to change and disruption.
For more about Deb, visit her website: https://spiritedliving.com/
We Are One Under The Sun with Dr. Leslie “Sandy” Jones ‘77
June 2020
Video Link: https://vimeo.com/507576690/b7b0a99559
Sandy is an associate professor of biology at Valdosta State University in Georgia. As a scientist and educator, she’s currently focused on online, interactive learning and the development of anti-racist science education. This interactive conversation with members of our class touches on issues of race, the actions that individuals are taking to address inequity, and suggestions about books, podcasts, and social media accounts to follow.
For more about Sandy, visit her faculty page: https://www.valdosta.edu/biology/faculty-staff/leslie-jones.php