Photo of Class of 1977 Logo
Reunion Summary
- Photos
- Reunion Note from Liz
- Reunion Attendees
![]() Photos from-Betsy-Myerdierks |
![]() Photos from Debrah (Smith) Konsrad |
![]() Photos from Deborah (Smith) Konsrad |
![]() Photos from Deborah (Smith) Konsrad |
![]() Photos from Deborah (Smith) Konsrad |
![]() Photos from Betsy Mathiasen |
![]() Photo from |
Reunion Note from Liz
Dear Classmates:
OK, for all you math majors, what’s the probability of my sister’s son getting married on the same day as my 30th reunion? Well, even for you non-math majors, I think you pass this test, since you know the answer is 100%. I am so disappointed not to be with you all today, but I want to thank the reunion committee, lead by Linda Bonneville Hacker, for all their hard work to make this reunion a success. And I especially want to thank my roommate, friend, and Vice President, Karen Jungherr Manning, for filling in for me…I know she is doing a great job!
I have been very encouraged by the response of so many of you to our webpage and eblasts. I think we made a lot of progress over these last 5 years, but I know there is so much more we can do. I wish I was there with you to talk about ways to make our communications better, or ways to improve the connection between our classmates. But please, let Karen know your thoughts, or of course, email with your ideas. I really want to represent every one of you and make our class as strong as possible.
Have a great reunion and know that I am there with you in spirit!
Reunion 2007 Attendees
Abbott, Alice McCormick | Graves, Susan Schofield | Palmer, Desiree Twitty |
Arthur, Vera Miller | Green, Stephanie Jaffe | Paul, Lise Funkhouser |
Baumann, Barbara McClearn | Hacker, Linda Bonneville | Pratt, Lisa |
Bell, Janice | Hampton, Meredith Galassi | Prouty, Leslie |
Biggs-Smith, Alice | Hardy, Susan Pardo | Reardon, Judith |
Bower, Donna Taylor | Harrigan, Maureen | Revelle, Linda Warder |
Bracikowski, Andrea Ciaccio | Heins, Judith Bowens | Ritter, Katherine Smith |
Brewer, Alfreda | Hirsch, Lisa Fischer | Robinson, Diane McConaghy |
Brown, Elizabeth Mpaayei | Holzberg, Maria Madsen | Roth, Deborah Stone |
Butler, Judi | Hurwitz, Jodie | Routt, Deborah Cook |
Carner-Higgins, Jodi | Hyon, Okhee Pyun | Sass, Christine Bryce |
Clark, Katharine | Jones, Leslie | Saxe, Susan |
Clark, Susan | Jordan, Susan Merritt | Schumacker, Cynthia Reiche |
Cogswell, Kim Martin | Kane, Janine O’Mara | Sheffler, Stephanie Berger |
Cohan, Heather Hayman | Kelly, Joan Rogers | Shire, Jennifer |
Connell, Janet O’Neill | Keuthen, Catherine Norman | Skinner, Adrienne |
Cuminale, Cynthia Conron | King, Elena | Sledge, Christine Johnson |
Dahill, Cathy Cullen | Kligler, Catherine Whelan | Slosky, Jackie |
Deitch, Sharon Greenblatt | Koehler, Deborah Adamo | Smith, Jacqueline Prue |
Dickinson, Jules | Konrad, Deborah Smith | Sokoloski, Susan Rittenhouse |
d’Otreppe, Caroline Bissell | Kowal-Montecalvo, Catherine | Sullivan, Wendy |
Duncan, Susanne Beery | Lee, Cynthia Holmes | Taber, Andrea Popik |
Echterling, Susan | Levine, Cynthia Pherson | Taylor, Pamela |
Eiss, Elizabeth Brubacher | Manning, Karen Jungherr | Thickstun, Margaret Olofson |
Fisher, Julie | Mathiasen, Nancy | Tripathy, Susan Thomson |
Fleming, Cathy | McCormack, Katherine | True, Kim Anderson |
Flynn, Judith | McGrath, Alison Brown | Tyndall, Kimberlee |
Foley, Anne | Meehan, Avice | Vasileff, Lili |
Freidus, Debra | Mendenhall, Nike Cotchen | Watson, Alice Marbach |
Gates, Elizabeth Dean | Meyerdierks, Elizabeth | Windsor, Jeanne |
Gerfen, Sarah Bosse | Mitchelson, Emilykaye Lonian | Wuerthele, Sue Rathmell |
Giltner, Sandra | Nimmo, Joanne Cleary | |
Goldsby-Mitchell, Cherubim Goldsby | O’Sullivan, Nancy Friedrichs |