Hello all, after talking with some classmates, it seems that a lot of us are busy recovering from the holidays or going back to work or have not had a chance to finish reading The Lion Women of Tehran, by Marjan Kamali. I spoke with Lise Funkhouser Paul and we decided we should reschedule the book club date …
Permanent link to this article: https://mhc1977.org/rescheduled-book-club-to-january-21st-8pm-et/
Dec 20
MHC Class of 1977 Meeting Notice (Jan 28
Dear Class of 1977, I am writing on behalf of your class board to notify you that a class meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 28 at 7 pm ET via Zoom. The purpose of the meeting is to hold a class vote on a new treasury management system which has been endorsed for approval …
Permanent link to this article: https://mhc1977.org/mhc-class-of-1977-meeting-notice-jan-28/
Dec 16
Share Your News: Class notes due January 5
Your class scribe is working on compiling news for the spring issue of the Alumnae Quarterly. Help your scribe meet their January 5 deadline by sending your news now! Find your scribe’s contact information here. Please include your full name, including your name as an undergraduate, if different. Remember, Class Notes is your space in the …
Permanent link to this article: https://mhc1977.org/share-your-news-class-notes-due-january-5/
Dec 15
Next Zoom Meeting on February 24, 2025 at 5PM EST on A Science-Based Framework for Happiness
Hello everyone, I think many of you are gearing up for the holidays and I hope you all have a very enjoyable time in whatever way you celebrate, or if you’ll just be taking some time off. I want to let everyone know that I have scheduled another class zoom meeting on February 24th at 5:00 PM …
Permanent link to this article: https://mhc1977.org/next-zoom-meeting-on-february-24-2025-at-5pm-est-on-a-science-based-framework-for-happiness/
Nov 21
Mini-Reunion March 25th at the J.P. Morgan Library
Hi everyone, we have another exciting mini-reunion being planned, this time by Nancy Mathiasen and Merry Galassi Hampton. Its going to be in NYC but I am sending this out to the entire class in case any of you can arrange a trip to the Big Apple. And if you can’t, please think of planning these …
Permanent link to this article: https://mhc1977.org/mini-reunion-march-25th-at-the-j-p-morgan-library/