Category: Book Club

MHC Class of 1977 Meeting Notice (Jan 28

Dear Class of 1977, I am writing on behalf of your class board to notify you that a class meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 28 at 7 pm ET via Zoom. The purpose of the meeting is to hold a class vote on a new treasury management system which has been endorsed for approval …

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Next Zoom Meeting on February 24, 2025 at 5PM EST on A Science-Based Framework for Happiness

Hello everyone, I think many of you are gearing up for the holidays and I hope you all have a very enjoyable time in whatever way you celebrate, or if you’ll just be taking some time off.    I want to let everyone know that I have scheduled another class zoom meeting on February 24th at 5:00 PM …

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Next Book Club Discussion January 7th 8pm ET, The Lion Women Tehran

Good morning (or good evening wherever in the world you are!). First of all I want to thank Sue York for leading our discussion on a very interesting book, All We Ever Wanted by Emily Giffin on September 12th. We had such interesting discussions about white privilege, male compared to female roles and interpretations, social …

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Reminder and More Insight Into Book Club Reading_September 12th @ 8pm Eastern

Hi everyone, one more reminder about our upcoming Book Club Discussion on ALL WE EVER WANTED by Emily Giffin on Thursday, September 12th at 8 PM Eastern.  We are really looking forward to a thought-provoking discussion on a very interesting topic. And its a relatively quick read, so if you haven’t started it yet you still have time. …

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Class of 1977 Book Club on Thursday, September 12th at 8pm

Hello everyone, its hard to believe we are nearing the end of summer…mine has been great and I hope so has yours. I want to remind everyone about our upcoming Class of 1977 Book Club on Thursday, September 12th at 8 pm Eastern, with the book ALL WE EVER WANTED, by Emily Griffin As I mentioned in …

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