Fall 2021 Alumnae Quarterly

The Fall 2021 Alumnae Quarterly is now available online.  Check out the class notes here.  (Open post to access links)  

Permanent link to this article: https://mhc1977.org/fall-2021-alumnae-quarterly/

Class of 1977 Zoom Call Tuesday, October 12th, 7:00pm EDT: IMAGINATION: Where It Can Lead And The Creative Writing Process to Capture It

We have an amazing Zoom call coming up on October 12th called “IMAGINATION: Where It Can Lead And The Creative Writing Process to Capture It”. It will be lead by three of our classmates.  To learn more, Open the event on the Upcoming Calendar to the right or clicking here.

Permanent link to this article: https://mhc1977.org/class-of-1977-zoom-call-tuesday-october-12th-700pm-edt-imagination-where-it-can-lead-and-the-creative-writing-process-to-capture-it/

It is Mountain Day! September 30th, 2021

It’s Mountain Day! From Liz Gershon Hi everyone, and Happy Mountain Day! I hope everyone is enjoying this day and able to get outside, even for a little bit. And we should also remember the fun times we had on this day at the College.  And I wanted to share this picture of my beautiful …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mhc1977.org/it-is-mountain-day-september-30th-2021/

It Is Official, Our 45th Reunion is May 27th to May 29th,2022!

We just got the official word, our 45th Reunion will be May 27-29, 2022. Put that date on your calendar and set aside time to travel and come.    

Permanent link to this article: https://mhc1977.org/it-is-official-our-45th-reunion-is-may-27th-to-may-29th2022/

What Every Parent Needs to Know About College Admissions

Do you know someone with children getting ready for college admissions?  Check this out! Christie Horn Barnes ’77 has recently written a book on the subject. She has four in college and the book is from personal experience and extensive research.  In July Christie writes, ” My new book What Every Parent Needs to Know …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mhc1977.org/what-every-parent-needs-to-know-about-college-admissions/