Hello all, after talking with some classmates, it seems that a lot of us are busy recovering from the holidays or going back to work or have not had a chance to finish reading The Lion Women of Tehran, by Marjan Kamali. I spoke with Lise Funkhouser Paul and we decided we should reschedule the book club date to 2 weeks later than originally planned, moving it to Tuesday January 21st 8pm Eastern.
I hope this date works better for everyone and also gives you a little more time to finish the book. It’s a really great book and easy to read, so I hope as many of you as possible have a chance to read it.Below is a new link to the Zoom meeting on January 21st. And if you can let me know if you will attend, that would be great so we know how many to plan for ([email protected]).
Fondly, Liz
Liz Gershon
Zoom meeting.Topic: Class of 1977 Book Club
Time: Jan 21, 2025 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/85148083060?pwd=SkfTUIAAWZ4qtD4xjjImNVvJEyzHIW.1
Meeting ID: 851 4808 3060
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Jan 08
RESCHEDULED Book Club to January 21st 8PM ET
Permanent link to this article: https://mhc1977.org/rescheduled-book-club-to-january-21st-8pm-et/