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Each reunion we share our Class History. Enjoy this walk down memory lane!
Photo of Class of 1977 Logo
Each reunion we share our Class History. Enjoy this walk down memory lane!
Permanent link to this article: https://mhc1977.org/reunions/class-histories/
When we arrived on campus… When the Class of 1977 arrived on campus, we quickly realized we were one of the largest classes, to date. At first we understood how great that would be, meeting so many new and interesting women. But as we went to our rooms in the Rockies, Porter, Stafford and Torrey, …
Combined Class Histories for Classes ’52 and ‘77 Class of 1952 When the Class of 1952 arrived in September 1948, we became another class to be referred to as “the silent fifties.” We conformed and followed the rules: we didn’t question parents or administration, attended chapel twice a week, dressed up for “gracious living” on …
627 strong we entered Mount Holyoke as the largest class ever! Sixty of us were stuffed into temp doubles. We discovered Chanticleer cookies, pitchers at the C.I., road tripping, and Amherst taps. We wore clogs, bandannas and peasant shirts. We showed up at midnight fire drills in our flannel nightgowns with our coats, towels and …
Twenty-nine years ago, 627 of us walked through the gates, the largest class ever admitted. We were the peak of the baby boom and we made ourselves known. Stuffed into a record number of temp doubles in the basement of North and South Rocky, we show up at evening fire drills in our Lanz nightgowns. …
On our first day at Mount Holyoke, the class of 1977 made history. We arrived 627 strong, the largest freshmen class ever admitted! This over-enrollment squeezed 60 of us into temp doubles in the basement of North and South Rockefeller. Upperclassmen introduced us to Chanticleer cookies, the OTHER version of our Alma Mater, V-8 songs, …
We entered Mount Holyoke’s tranquil grove of academic amid a country in turmoil. President Nixon occupied with Watergate, warned of an oil crisis. New to South Hadley, we discovered Chanticleer cookies. pitchers at the C.I., road tripping, and Amherst taps. We laughed with Whizzer Buschbumper in Choragos. Sixty of us were squeezed into “temp doubles”, …