Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Through our actions, programs, and communications, members of the Class of 1977 seek to provide a welcoming community for all. We support the Mount Holyoke Alumnae Association in its commitment to provide opportunities for lifelong learning about diversity, equity, and inclusion across the worldwide alumnae network. We welcome the efforts of Mount Holyoke College to build and sustain an inclusive, pluralistic, and discrimination-free campus environment.
- Information about the Alumnae Association’s work—as well as an extensive reading list—can be found at https://alumnae.mtholyoke.edu/diversity-equity-and-inclusion/
- The College’s Office of Diversity Inclusion—and links to programs open to alums—can be found here: https://www.mtholyoke.edu/diversity-and-inclusion
- The Nominating Committee also seeks to expand the range and diversity of volunteers serving on committees and as class officers. Information is available on our website under the “Getting Involved” and “About” tabs.
We recognize there will always opportunities to grow, learn and improve. Please share comments and suggestions with our Class Officers or use the feedback form on the website: https://mhc1977.org/about/contact-us/.

from Debrah (Smith) Konsrad